Sunday, November 25, 2012

Violence on Black Friday

After reading a post on Sean's blog about "black Wednesday," about people valuing their sales over their families on Thanksgiving, I started thinking about the recent news of 2 people getting shot on Black Friday in front of a Walmart store. Click here for the news article. It all started when a pair of two people began fighting another shopper for a parking space. The other driver pulled a gun and shot the couple. Luckily, the injuries were not fatal.  

I was shocked that someone would become so aggressive over a few sales. I think this says a lot about American values and materialism. It is a good thing to want to save money, but how far are people willing to go to save a few dollars? Camping out in parking lots, or even shooting someone over a parking space? It's almost as if people are valuing store-bought items over human life. What do you think people's actions have to say about materialism and values? 

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