Sunday, March 10, 2013

Marginilization at Oberlin College

Last week, my sister, Rachel, told me that classes at her school, Oberlin College in Ohio were cancelled due to the fact that someone was standing outside the African American Heritage building wearing a Ku Klux Klan uniform. Besides that being the most severe event, other racist acts on campus had been reported. This blog is a Tumblr titled "Oberlin Microagressions" and its purpose is to record anything racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, sexist (etc) that has been said or written around the school. Here are some examples from the blog:

A note left at the Multiracial Resource Center

"No Niggers"  "Whites Only" 

When Rachel told me that this was happening at Oberlin, I could barely believe it. One of the things Oberlin is known for (and that Rachel takes pride in) is its acceptance and open-ness to all different types of people and walks of life. I was surprised that such blatantly racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic things were being done at a place like Oberlin.

I think these incidents are just more examples of how racism still exists today even though the Civil Rights Movement is "over" (I actually blogged about this topic a few weeks ago). Even in accepting places like Oberlin, where you would least expect it, people are still writing things like "whites only" above bathrooms.

I recommend that you take a look at the Oberlin Microagressions blog for more information and examples of marginalization at the college:

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