Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Youth Movement Against Body Hate?

I think that for the 3rd and 4th quarters, body image has been a topic I have been thinking a lot about. Here are the two blogs I wrote about body image:

As I have mentioned before, the media plays a huge role in shaping people's views on how they should look. Because the media pretty much only shows airbrushed pictures of tall, thin, fit people, many teenagers have suffered from eating disorders and low self esteem.
However, I noticed that whenever I go on tumblr.com, I almost always see at least one post about self confidence and body-love. Here is what I find to be the most common example:


While almost every girl I know has some sort of dislike towards her body, I do think that recently there has been a lot of criticism of the media from adolescents. I am very interested to see where this will be headed, and I hope that eventually there will be a larger-scale movement to try and end body hate and the unrealistic portrayal of women in the media.

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